Grooming Your Australian Labradoodle:
A Guide

Australian Labradoodles have unique fleecy coats that require routine grooming to keep looking their best.

Regular Brushing: A Must for a Healthy Coat

Regular Brushing: A Must for a Healthy Coat

First, brushing is essential. We recommend that you brush your Australian Labradoodle every other day to prevent mats and tangles. Brushing not only keeps their coat tidy and looking great; it’s also an enjoyable bonding activity for you and your dog.

labradoodle pup after grooming with red bandana
Professional Grooming: Starting Early Makes a Difference

Professional Grooming: Starting Early Makes a Difference

Starting at 12 weeks of age, you should start reserving monthly professional grooming appointments for your Australian Labradoodle. Ideally, these grooming sessions should include a thorough bath and blowout, ensuring any hard-to-reach areas are addressed before matting becomes a problem.

Regular grooming is primarily essential to your pet’s hygiene and health, but it also introduces your dog to a routine and makes them more comfortable with the grooming process.

Pup With Blue Bow Sm
Specific Grooming Areas: Eyes, Paws, and More

Specific Grooming Areas: Eyes, Paws, and More

Ask your dog’s groomer to focus on certain areas such as between the paw pads, the potty area, and around the eyes. These monthly trimmings mean your Labradoodle will only need a full grooming session every third visit.

Brown Pup With Purple Bow
Appreciating Your Groomer: A Thoughtful Gesture

Appreciating Your Groomer: A Thoughtful Gesture

Remember, grooming a matted dog is a challenging task, so tipping your groomer is a thoughtful gesture. A 20% tip is standard, but consider tipping more for mat-heavy cases, reflecting the extra work involved.

Irish Dog
Pup Laying In Grass
Pup With Stare
Puppy And Pumpkin
Puppy With Big Bow
Puppy With Crown
Bathing and Matting: Tips for Home Care

Bathing and Matting: Tips for Home Care

While it's possible to bathe your dog at home, professional groomers are equipped with the right tools and skills to do a more thorough job. Bathing at home, especially without proper technique, can exacerbate matting. It's essential to understand that mats can tighten and increase in size when the coat is wet.

labradoodle dog in yellow bow with tongue out
happy labradoodle after grooming
Avoiding Shaving: Proper Maintenance is Key

Avoiding Shaving: Proper Maintenance is Key

Regular grooming ensures that your Labradoodle won't need to be shaved. Contrary to popular belief, there's no need for a 'summer cut' if their coat is well-maintained. Work closely with your groomer to schedule routine appointments.

Comprehensive Grooming Schedule

Comprehensive Grooming Schedule

Dog With Small Pink Bow
Daily Care:

Daily Care:

  • Comb and brush your dog's coat thoroughly.
  • Gently clean away any eye discharge.
  • Comb and brush your dog's coat thoroughly.
  • Gently clean away any eye discharge.
Dog In Rainbow Shirt
Weekly Maintenance:

Weekly Maintenance:

  • Gently clean the ears using a baby wipe or similar method.
  • Trim your dog's nails to keep them healthy.
  • Regularly trim the hair around the eyes and potty area.
  • Gently clean the ears using a baby wipe or similar method.
  • Trim your dog's nails to keep them healthy.
  • Regularly trim the hair around the eyes and potty area.
Mr White Tail Up
Monthly Professional Grooming:

Monthly Professional Grooming:

  • Schedule a professional bath and blowout starting when your Labradoodle is 12 weeks old. Consistency is key, so try to book with the same groomer.
  • Plan for a professional haircut every third month.
  • Schedule a professional bath and blowout starting when your Labradoodle is 12 weeks old. Consistency is key, so try to book with the same groomer.
  • Plan for a professional haircut every third month.
Additional Tips for a Healthy Coat

Additional Tips for a Healthy Coat

  • Keep your dog dry, avoiding unnecessary wetness.
  • Avoid home baths, as residential water pressure often isn’t strong enough to thoroughly rinse soap out of your pet’s coat, which can lead to matting.
  • Be cautious with store-bought grooming products; poor-quality ones can attract dirt and worsen matting.
  • Avoid using detanglers on your Labradoodle’s coat. These are meant for use on freshly washed coats before drying.
  • Be mindful of mats, as they can worsen when wet.
  • Establish a relationship with a reliable groomer. Consistency in grooming care is vital for your Labradoodle's coat health.

Regular grooming, both at home and professionally, is essential for keeping your Australian Labradoodle looking and feeling their best. Remember, a well-groomed Labradoodle is a happy, healthy companion! Keep up with these practices to ensure your pet's coat remains in pristine condition.